Tuesday 12 January 2016

Game Of Thrones: A telltale series. Episode 3 Xbox 360 Review


Asher, Malcolm and Beskha are now well on their way to Meereen in search of an army to help the Forresters back in Westeros. Asher's scenes in episode two were combat based. This style has continued here, with a surprising encounter involving one of Daenerys's dragons, while simultaneously being assaulted by the Lost Legion, who have been pursuing you since leaving Yunkai. The choices Asher must make require you to decide where your loyalties lie. Clearly, Beskha has been your companion for a while now, but she is not family, like Malcolm is. These sorts of decisions are sure to play a part in future episodes.

At the Wall, Gared is off with his fellow recruits to say their vows. The choice made in episode two of whether to defend one of your companions or not had little consequence, as it was very easy to sweet talk my way back in to the good books of whichever one of the two fellow recruits I did not help. Having said this, Gared's story is taking a turn for the better in two ways. Firstly, the story of the North Grove has started to take shape. Secondly, Gared gets a chance at revenge for what happened to his family in episode one, but this is sure to have further ramifications for the following episodes. Also, similar to Mira, Gared learns of a secret about someone close to him, which may come in handy later, one way or another.

In Kings Landing things have become and are still getting more and more complex. For starters, the events at the end of episode two means that Mira and the servant boy Tom, are now in a cover up of their own. We are now also seeing that having an alliance with Tyrion, is having consequences with Mira's relationship with Margaery, as she is displeased with this relationship between yourself and the master of coin. One of Mira's scenes is also set during the 'Purple Wedding', where we meet a new character who is interested in doing business with you concerning your family's Ironwood. However, things quickly turn sour, and the help your family is promised by Tyrion is in jeopardy due to him being blamed for King Joffrey's death. This results in frantic action to retrieve Tyrion's royal decree, and what to do with it after.

Back in Ironrath, we essentially see more of the same. Lord Whitehill's son Gryff has arrived and we see a power struggle between himself and Rodrik throughout this episode. However, your confrontation with him in the courtyard is basically the same as the encounter you have with his father in the previous episode. We also meet Gwyn Whitehill, Gryff's sister, who seems to want to be the peacemaker. We learn valuable information from her, especially about there being a traitor within your council.

The action going on in Ironrath is rather dull at the moment. It feels far too similar to episode two. On the other hand, Mira and Gared's storylines are really picking up pace, providing intriguing gameplay. Asher is also left in an interesting place, as Daenerys is on the brink of invading Meereen. What I also noticed a lot more in this episode is that now, dialogue decisions from previous chapters are being remembered and brought in to conversation, such as Gryff remembering that I hit one of his men as Rodrik. The first half of this six episode season has been very entertaining. I just hope it can fulfil its potential in the remaining episodes.

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